DIY Lashes Cluster
DIY Lashes Cluster
How to Use
How to Use
Clean & prep your lashes with a oil free cleanser to ensure your lashes are free from all dirt & oils. Wait for your lashes to be completely dry before you start the application.
Apply your bond, less is more, dab a small amount of bond at the root of your lashes only - do not apply this like a mascara. You can also apply the bond directly to the spine of the QuickLash.
Apply the lash cluster underneath your natural lashes, close to the water line but not touching it. Complete both eyes & wait a few minutes before setting. QuickLashes need to be placed 1-2mm away from the waterline. They are designed to be lightweight and you should not be able to feel them (at all!) – if you can feel them then your placement is not correct, before setting gently remove them and re position till comfortable.
What's Included
What's Included
- DIY Lash Black Bond (adhesive)
- DIY Lash Super Stay (set & seal)
- DIY Lash Applicator
- 280 Clusters In 1 Box: 5 mixed-length eyelash clusters
- 1 Sec to Grab, 5 Sec to Apply, 3 styles for DIY
- Customization (Manga Lashes, Cat Eye, Foxy Eye look) – A Must-Have for Beginners
- Perfect for both beginners and pros looking for a hassle-free lash experience.
- Enjoy the ease of application and the comfort of soft, reusable lashes with a bold matte black finish.
How to remove...
How to remove...
Generously brush any makeup remover over the top & bottom of your DIY Lashes. Wait 20/30 seconds, then brush through or get a cotton pad & wipe to remove. Repeat if needed.
Once you have removed the DIY Lashes you will have bond residue on your natural lashes, repeat the above on your natural lashes until they are free from bond residue.
Do not apply a new set of DIY Lashes without cleaning your lashes & eye area first to make sure they are free from the remover residue. If there is any remover residue left on your natural lashes you will not successfully be able to apply a new set.
DIY Lashes are all reusable, you need to be gentle when cleaning your DIY Lashes.
Remover is also available on our website
My lashes feel sticky after applying, the bond doesn't seem to set...
My lashes feel sticky after applying, the bond doesn't seem to set...
You may be applying too much bond. Next time you apply your QuickLashes please use less bond, you should dab the bond at the root of your lashes only. If you apply too much bond you may experience a tacky feeling on the lashes. If you still have a sticky residue Super Stay will solve this, not only does it help your lashes last longer but it will remove any sticky residue on your QuickLash set as long as the residue isn't down to over applying Bond.
My lashes are not lasting as long as I hoped..
My lashes are not lasting as long as I hoped..
This could be for many different reasons but we will cover the most common below!
- Bond - try applying a little more bond on your next application (but be careful with this as you should not be using too much bond) we recommend applying a small amount of bond to your lashes at the base or you could also try to apply bond along the lash spine to ensure you don’t apply too much.
- Clamping your lashes down - this is really important! Once you have finished application wait 5 minutes then use your applicator to clamp the QuickLashes to your natural lashes for a longer lasting finish. This is what gives you a secure hold. We also recommend doing this as part of your morning/evening routine & after bath/shower.
- Prep your lashes well before applying - they need to be free from any oils/dirt. Ensure you use an oil free cleanser to clean them. Wait for them to be fully dry before applying.
- Do not use an oil based cleanser/moisturiser/make up around your eye - you should not use any oil based products when wearing QuickLashes as this will break the bond down.
- You have excessively oily skin especially around the eye area, this will effect longevity
- Seal with our SuperStay, this will help with longevity, if your not using SuperStay you are not setting & sealing the bond so your lash set will not last as long
- Avoid getting your QuickLashes wet, although they are resistant to a little water they are not waterproof. If you do get them wet we recommend not touching them, letting them air dry and then clamping them down again to secure the hold.
- Ensure they are placed correctly, around 1-2mm away from your waterline, your waterline is a moist area so this will effect your QuickLashes if you apply too close to your waterline and moisture is getting into the bond.
- Touching your lashes - avoid touching your lashes throughout the day as your hands are full of moisture, oils & dirt and every time you touch your lashes you will deposit these onto your lashes which may effect longevity.
When I try to reuse my QuickLashes they don't stay on..
When I try to reuse my QuickLashes they don't stay on..
If you used remover to remove your QuickLashes you need to ensure all the remover residue has been removed from the QuickLashes before reapplying.
My lashes get stuck to the tweezer...
My lashes get stuck to the tweezer...
You need to ensure your applicator is clean & free from any bond residue when applying. We recommend using an alcohol wipe to keep your applicator clean. Don’t use the QuickLash remover as this may cause issues with your next application as it may deposit remover residue onto your QuickLashes.
I love how lightweight and soft these lashes feel. I barely notice I'm wearing them, and they look so good on.
Great product lashes stayed on even when I got them a little wet wouldn't come off unless I used the remover
I love these lashes and now they are my go too. I don't like anything to bold but it gives me an amazing wispy look and I'm obsessed